Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

These Dreams Go On…..

They just go on and on…. But, I understand them and that is the key to remaining stable. If you have never been a victim and are not surviving on a daily basis with the past remembrance of abuse, then some of the things I say may sound odd. But, for those who have lived […]


In my Dreams

I have always experienced nightmares and otherwise unsettling dreams when facing challenging situations or dealing with personalities that trigger my PTSD. This week has been especially difficult. I knew I was feeling unsettled. I knew I was feeling a bit insecure. I kept telling myself the thing that usually helps me get past irrational fears […]


Angry Days

 As a woman who has lived the life of a hostage, a rag doll, a rape victim, a puppet and more, you can just name the amount of anger you would like to see well up in me at any given time over any subject of abuse and you are opening a firestorm hotter and […]


Feeling Every Punch

People always tell you to forget the past. Forget the pain. Move on and move up. Move away form your trauma. All of that is advice that I can get behind to a certain extent. I am not saying we need to dwell on the past and continue to bring it up and wallow in […]


House of Cards – Secrets, Lies, and Denial

Recently, I was asked why family of origin would side with an abusive in-law as opposed to the victimized family member. The woman asked me, “Why does my client’s own family not believe her?” Then she explained the fact that the victim’s family has been hiding the secret of abuse by the father toward their […]


Memories: Like the horrors of my mind

FOGGY* teary-eyed memories…of the way we were……….. Some days and nights the memories just come out of nowhere. Lately, it seems I am having triggered memories that are not necessarily new, but I now understand more about the memory than I have in the past when it came up. I found myself today feeling shaky […]


The Terrorist at Home

Terrorism is an excellent descriptor for this life we have lived. In order to survive, we must become Homeland Security agents devising ways to liberate the homeland hostages and extract the terrorist. The only problem is the survivors are playing all roles in this very dangerous made for real life drama.


Making Excuses – Breaking Excuses

Making excuses used to be my specialty! I love the acronym FOG – Fear Obligation and Guilt. It was coined by Susan Forward & Donna Frazier in the book Emotional Blackmail. It is a perfect descriptor of what kept me making excuses and how I was so well controlled on so many levels.


Hostage No More

The hostage conversation is very comforting to me. For years, I have watched movies about hostage situations and had thoughts like, “when I was a hostage” or “in my situation” and then I would think I was a little crazy because I had never been a hostage! But, I could clearly identify with the hostage […]


Teen Moms and Dads Must Finish School

Finishing School as a Mom Finishing school as a mom is tough.  But, One of the most important things a teen mom can do is finish school, but most teen moms drop out of high school and never complete their education. Though teen moms face many challenges to finishing school, they do have options.